Amye at Richmond Weddings

We’ve got a VERY special guest on the blog today… Amye Brunette, Co-Owner / Editor-in-Chief of Richmond Weddings! While Amye is usually working behind the scenes, today we’re putting the spotlight on her!

“With two decades of experience in the wedding industry and a deep understanding of marketing, event production, and digital strategy, I am committed to fostering a vibrant, transparent, and supportive wedding community. Whether through events we produce like our semiannual wedding shows, our trusted print magazine, online resources, or vendor networking events, my goal is to make wedding planning seamless, fun, and successful for all involved.”

Tell us how many years have you been in the wedding industry!
My husband, Scott, and I took over this business from my mom in 2005. This summer marks 20 years—time flies!

I actually met Scott while living in Los Angeles. I had moved there in the late ’90s from Richmond, VA. In 2001, we both happened to be at a Christmas party in Manhattan Beach. We hit it off immediately and went on our first date just a week later (for his birthday—with a group of friends, no less!). We’ve been inseparable ever since.

Fast forward to January 2005: Scott proposed, and by March, our friends threw us the sweetest engagement party. My mom and sister-in-law even flew out to celebrate with us. At the time, my mom was convinced I’d never move back to Virginia. But during her visit, she mentioned she was thinking of selling her business and casually threw out the idea of us buying it. Before we knew it, we decided to go for it. That summer, we packed up everything and made the cross-country move to Virginia. Scott had never lived anywhere besides Southern California so this was a big move for him!

When should couples book their wedding vendors?
Many of the top wedding professionals get booked very early. We recommend booking your venue at least a year (or even more!) out from your wedding date. Wedding Planners should be your BFF and booked as early as possible – at least a year out. They can help keep you on track (and even save you money!) We have the best, most comprehensive guide in our magazine for booking your vendors that you can print! Here is a breakdown of your wedding planning timeline and when each vendor should be booked.

What’s your most frequently asked question by engaged couples? Or what is something you find yourself constantly educating couples on?
Something that I am very passionate about is hiring the right vendors for one of the biggest parties you’ll ever host. When Scott and I moved to VA, we took over this business right away, all while planning our wedding to taking place just a few short months later. We were so new to the wedding industry. Looking back, I wish I had put more thought and heart into who we hired. My BIGGEST piece of advice, hire the best photographer you can afford. And know that you may bust your budget on this line item. It may seem expensive, but please trust me on this one…

What are some trends you’ve seen in weddings recently that you’ve loved?
I love seeing personal touches of you and your lives together incorporated into the festivities. I feel like guests enjoy getting a glimpse into things that are important to you as a couple and it makes everyone feel special. Another thing I’m loving is all the colors as we evolve. Florals have taken center stage as well as well thought out decor. Add special lighting, help bring it all together…this is how you “WOW!” your guests!

Do you have any unique tips for couples when choosing their vendors? If so, share!
I think it’s obvious we feel we have the best and brightest in the industry in our magazine, on our website and at the wedding shows. We know these people personally and know you can fully trust your best day with any of them. Maybe not a unique tip per se, but the BEST tip is to hire a pro, and make sure to look at google reviews.

When it comes to food, what’s your guilty pleasure?

How do you de-stress?
#1 de-stressor for me is family time. Whether it’s going to the gym as a fam, enjoying trips together, or date nights with Scott. Nothing beats it. I also have a solid friend group that feeds my soul.

What’s a fun or unusual fact about yourself?
My love of instruments. I played piano in elementary and middle school, in high school I took drum lessons and during the pandemic I taught myself guitar. I’m terrible at all of these, but I’m a pro musician in my head. Also, spending nights with my husband in the basement with a cocktail, music videos and a mic singing away at our favorite songs from the 70’s-present is precious time I will always cherish.

Do you have any pets? Introduce them to us!
Cookie is the office mascot! Sometimes she even appears on our TikTok! She’s a 3.5 year old Husky mix and is the favorite in our house. Our whole family is obsessed with her – she’s the BEST dog ever!


Replying to @GreysonBed You ask for Cookie content, we deliver. 🤝🏼

♬ Photoshoot – Gucci Mane

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