5 Reasons to Wear a Bold Lip on Your Wedding Day

By Candice Hardy with Candice Hardy Makeup Artistry 

Who says you can’t wear a bold lip on your wedding day? Here are 5 reasons why you should rock the red on your big day.
Makeup Wedding Candice Hardy Day Red Lip

Omar Zeta


  1. Showcases your personality! Are you fun and bubbly, sophisticated, adventurous, classy chic? The perfect lipstick combination is a great way for your personality and style to shine through
  2. Boosts your confidence. Studies show that a great shade of lipstick can instantly make you feel more attractive and confident.
  3. It looks amazing in pictures. Bold colors show up in pictures and typically don’t fade in the light. Nude lipsticks and glosses can be beautiful but may make you look washed out.
  4. It brightens your smile. Lipsticks with blue or purple undertones actually play a trick on the eyes and make your teeth appear whiter
  5. It enhances your features. Not only does a bold lip add a pop to your pucker, it actually brings a pop to your eyes making them look more defined


Looking for your makeup artist for your big day? Learn more about Candice and how she can find the perfect red lip for you on her website!