Vendor Spotlight | Christine with Modern Travel Professionals

Modern Travel Professionals

Anyone else ready to travel again besides us? Christine, Tropical Travel Expert with Modern Travel Professionals will get you there! Learn more about here on our blog.

How did you get to where you are now?
I began my career as a travel agent in 2007 as a side-gig to my career as a mortgage loan officer. I was very good at mortgages, but I hated the job. Eventually, I realized that travel was my true passion and I made the leap to becoming a full-time travel agent and I have never looked back. I now own my own agency and employ 22 travel professionals.

What makes you or your business stand out and why should a couple hire you?
I could tell you that I have extensive experience in all the destinations that I book because I do, but so do MANY other travel agents. The reason you should hire me is that I not ONLY have extensive experience, but I truly care about each and every one of my clients, personally. My focus is on giving each couple the care and attention you deserve so that you have a stress-free planning experience. Whether you are planning a large destination wedding or a quick honeymoon, I aim to treat you like royalty. I use my experience to find you the PERFECT resort and my contacts in the industry to ensure that you are treated as VIPs. Couples who work with me won’t have to worry about anything but relaxing and enjoying this exciting new chapter in your lives.

What’s your favorite thing about working in the wedding industry?
I love making dreams come true! It’s cheesy, but it’s the truth. I adore being part of a couple’s vision for their big day. Often, couples come to me with a wedding or honeymoon vision but are certain that it just doesn’t fit into the budget. My favorite thing is to find options that fit your dreams AND your pocketbooks. I love seeing how excited clients get when they realize they can have what they REALLY want. It’s a great feeling to help these new families start their journey happy.
Modern Travel ProfessionalsWhat’s a unique tip you tell your couples?
Don’t book pictures or a wedding from 3pm – 4pm. In the tropics, it rains almost every day — usually between 3:00 and 4:00. Book your event earlier or later for the best chance of dry weather.

What’s your best piece of advice for couples planning a wedding?
Book your honeymoon early in the process! Many couples leave the honeymoon planning until the end of the wedding process which is a mistake. For the best availability and the best pricing, book your honeymoon when you book your venue. You want to get this done early!

Modern Travel Professionals

What would your perfect Saturday be like?
We start out at our favorite coffee shop in town for tea and pastries for breakfast and then head to the farmer’s market for all the fresh fruit and veggies. Oh, and fresh bread. LOTS of bread! We spend the day walking around town, poking around the bookstores, and stopping for more tea which we enjoy at an outdoor cafe where we can relax and watch the people go by. We head back home for an afternoon on the front porch reading and finish up the day with a wonderful meal using all our farmer’s market finds. Oh, and it’s autumn. It’s always autumn.

What are your top three favorite movies (or books)?
The Breakfast Club | A Separate Peace | To Kill A Mockingbird

What’s a fun or unusual fact about you?
I have had three last names in my life — my maiden name and both of my married names — and they have ALL been 12 letters long. What do people even do with names like Smith and Jones?

Do you love to travel? If so, what are some must-see destinations?
Absolutely! As a travel planner, I travel frequently and have been all over the world. Personally, I think everyone should visit the Caribbean as often as they can. The laid-back vibe and friendly people make for a truly relaxing vacation. It’s a great opportunity to really disengage from a hectic, American life. Also, everyone should see Norway before they die. The fjords offer the most stunning scenery in the world!

Modern Travel Professionals

Do you have a pet?
We have two dogs — Giles and Wesley (named after The Watchers in Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Giles is a dachshund mix and Wesley is a hound mix and they bring so much life to our home. He is loyal and loving and mostly wants to just snuggle up and sleep with you. He joined our family first and was best friends with our Bulldog, Gertrude. After she died, Giles was SO depressed. He just laid in the hallway. He wouldn’t eat. He didn’t greet us when we came home (which was SO unusual as he was always Chief Greeter). It was heartbreaking. Then, we adopted Wesley. Wesley is a giant goofball who came from a rough start. He just wants to be loved and he is SO excited about everything. Everything. He and Giles became instant best friends and they spend every waking minute together. It’s awesome to see how much they love each other.

Modern Travel Professionals

What is your favorite season of the year and why?
Autumn is by far my favorite season. I love the way the light softens after the harsh sunlight of summer and the crisp nip in the air. I find the changing leaves calming and I really do love all things pumpkin!

What’s your favorite family tradition?
My favorite family tradition is watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade each Thanksgiving morning. I have watched that parade with my family EVERY year since I was born and, now, I share that tradition with my own family. My kids, my husband, and my parents gather in the living room to watch it live. We don’t DVR it. We have a buffet breakfast and everyone just grazes and watches the show. It’s my favorite moment of the year.

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